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Corporate engagement – LAFMAAL foundation

The LAFMAAL Foundation is a non-profit excellence foundation for talented young female scientists from African countries, who are doing their PhD in STEM subjects. The foundation was founded in 2018 in Yamoussoukro/West Africa and supports young women from Côte d'Ivoire all over Africa, in order to give them access to scientific MINT areas and [...]

Our participation at the DESY-DOIT job seminar

On October 5th, we had the opportunity and the honor of presenting our company at the DESY research center as part of the DOIT job seminar. DOIT is a volunteer team of Doctoral Researchers (DRs), that represents the interests of the DRs at the Bahrenfeld campus and the Faculty of Physics at the University [...]

International STEM-Day

The international STEM-Day (Day of Science) is celebrated on November 8th. Throughout Germany, various school-related events are organized throughout the month to give children and adolescents the opportunity to get familiar with the scientific topics of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology - many workshops, experiments and lectures to get to know the [...]

By |2023-01-12T09:46:51+01:0008.11.2022|CANDIDATES & CAREER, SCIENCE NEWS|
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