Raketenwissenschaftler*in gesucht?
Traumberuf Astronaut*in?
MINT Careers & CandidatesWir finden, was Sie suchen.
Wir stellen ein: Leidenschaft!Arbeiten bei Professional ScientistsGelebter Teamgeist.
10 Jahre Professional Scientists -
Birte Michel über „ihre“ PROF.s
In eigener Sache:Eine Wissenschaft für sichMINT Recruiting

“Top Company 2023” – The “Professional Scientists” is awarded

We are pleased to announce that our company was recently named "Top Company 2023" by the "kununu" employer rating platform. This award shows that our company performs above average in many areas and is an attractive employer and partner for candidates. One of the factors that make us a "Top Company" is the individual [...]

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