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Wir stellen ein: Leidenschaft!Arbeiten bei Professional ScientistsGelebter Teamgeist.
10 Jahre Professional Scientists -
Birte Michel über „ihre“ PROF.s
In eigener Sache:Eine Wissenschaft für sichMINT Recruiting

Professional approach with qualitative candidate profiles

We always make sure that the candidate profiles that you receive from us are a perfect fit for your vacancy, both professionally and personally! As your partner in recruiting, we find for you candidates from the fields of research, development and technology that you often cannot reach through conventional channels - and we do [...]

Pleasant communication & excellent preparation/follow-up

Our recruiters are specialized in your field. Our key account managers know the needs of our industrial clients. It is important to us to review your expectations and knowledge in detail with you according to our client inquiries, in order to find the ideal position for you. Together we will clarify the further steps [...]

Great support & fulfillment in every aspect

We are always happy to receive positive feedback from our candidates - today about our holistic support, which is very important to us! As soon as we have identified a suitable position for you, we will support you from the application to your first day at work in your new dream job. Our goal [...]

Valuable and holistic support throughout the process

Our candidates' satisfaction is more than important to us! We are happy when our candidates feel very comfortable in their new position! We support you professionally and competently before, during and after your application process. From day one we strive to accompany you successfully in the application process and look forward to staying in [...]

Great communication & excellent support

We are very grateful about receiving positive feedback and recommendations from our candidates, even if they choose another employer at the end! They confirm us in our work and our claim to support you in the best possible way in your search for the perfect position! We do our best to find your new [...]

Technical fitting accuracy of the highest quality

We always make sure that the candidate profiles you receive from us are a perfect match for your position, both technically and personally! As your partner in recruiting, we find you candidates from research, development and technology that you often cannot reach through conventional channels - and we do this with consistent quality. A [...]

Unique support & consultation on a personal level

We attach great importance to close communication and direct support. We offer our candidates extensive advice and individual support throughout the entire application phase. You can look forward to a personal consultant, who will provide you with comprehensive support and advice at all times. In addition to professional qualifications, personal suitability is of particular [...]

Regular communication for a successful placement

In the search for the perfect position for you, we pay attention to your personal and professional skills! Our recruiters take the time to look upon your expertise in depth, because it is just as important to us as it is to you that you feel comfortable in your new position and can optimally [...]

Targeted & quality-oriented, our commitment to you!

In order to provide you with the best possible support in your search for suitable candidates for your vacancies, we make a very precise pre-selection! We also pay attention to decisive parameters beyond the technical qualification and are at your side in the selection process with passion. Our customers appreciate our commitment to their [...]

Professional scientists as a competent & personal partner

We do our best to find your new dream job! You are the focus of our work. We actively accompany you on the way to your new job, so that you have time to concentrate on the essentials. As soon as we have found a suitable position for you, we will support you from [...]

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