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Happy International Women’s Day!

As a "female-empowered" company, we are very happy to dedicate today's post to International Women's Day. International Women's Day is celebrated every year on March 8th and has a long and important history. The United Nations (UN) motto for International Women's Day 2023 is "EmbraceEquity", to break stereotypes and prejudices against women and girls. [...]

By |2023-03-09T09:00:15+01:0008.03.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|

Have you already saved energy today?

The International Energy Saving Day on March 5 is more relevant than ever, as energy prices soar and the war in Ukraine adds further political relevance. It aims to make consumers, industry and politicians aware of energy consumption. This year, the Energy Saving Day is particularly important, because, despite government measures, consumers are still [...]

By |2023-03-02T15:20:12+01:0003.03.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|

New technologies in aerospace engineering

On February 15, 2023, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann and Science Minister Petra Olschowski visited the University of Stuttgart to gain an insight into the research areas of quantum technology and aerospace technology. During their two-hour visit, the politicians were presented with selected highlights from quantum research and aerospace technology. Prime Minister Kretschmann emphasized that [...]

By |2023-02-23T14:56:33+01:0024.02.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|

Day of Women and Girls in Science

As a "female-empowered" company, we are very happy to dedicate today's post to the "Day of Women and Girls in Science". The Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated annually on February 11. Established by UNESCO, it aims to stimulate interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics among women and girls and [...]

By |2023-02-09T14:50:02+01:0010.02.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|

“Top Company 2023” – The “Professional Scientists” is awarded

We are pleased to announce that our company was recently named "Top Company 2023" by the "kununu" employer rating platform. This award shows that our company performs above average in many areas and is an attractive employer and partner for candidates. One of the factors that make us a "Top Company" is the individual [...]

Data Protection- & “Change your password”-Day

Do you remember when you last changed your passwords? Are you one of the many who still use the same password for different services for years? Within this framework, the "European Data Protection Day", on January 28th, 2007, and the national "Change Your Password"-Day, on February 1st, 2012, were proclaimed with the aim of [...]

By |2023-01-26T11:37:24+01:0027.01.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|

Welcome back, Diana!

New year but as before! Welcome back to the team, dear Diana! We are very happy to have you back with us after your maternity leave. Your presence and commitment has been greatly missed over the past few months and we can't wait to get back to working together on projects and supporting each [...]

By |2023-01-19T10:12:15+01:0020.01.2023|General, PROF.s WORLD|

Merry Christmas & a happy new year!

This year's Christmas party took place in a spectacular, enchanting ambience in the Wohlfahrts Palazzo in Stuttgart. We were treated to masterful culinary arts, while enjoying award-winning acrobatics and stirring singing with heart-warming humor with the show "Ladies First"! A celebration for the senses! The year is slowly coming to an end and Christmas [...]

Musical attunement to the Advent season

With a view at the heart of Stuttgart and in a Christmas spirit, we inaugurated the Advent season in our office. This year during the Advent season, we will be letting ourselves be sweetened up by the calorie-free musical Advent calendar from CHORMÄLEON - the DHBW Stuttgart e.V. choir. The choir has put their [...]

By |2022-12-02T09:23:25+01:0002.12.2022|General, PROF.s WORLD|
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