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November 9 – The day of the inventors

November 9 is perhaps by far the most complex day in German history and marks a series of significant turning points. Proclamation of the German Republic. On November 9, 1918, the November Revolution reaches its climax in Berlin. Imperial Chancellor Prince Maximilian von Baden announces the abdication of the Emperor on his own authority. [...]

By |2023-11-09T12:39:24+01:0010.11.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|

The laureates of the Nobel Prize 2023

It is considered the most important science prize in the world - the Nobel Prize. Since 1901, it has been awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation in the categories of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics and peace. This was originally founded on the basis of the "last will and testament" by the Swedish chemist [...]

By |2023-10-11T11:46:55+02:0013.10.2023|General, SCIENCE NEWS|
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