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Wir stellen ein: Leidenschaft!Arbeiten bei Professional ScientistsGelebter Teamgeist.
10 Jahre Professional Scientists -
Birte Michel über „ihre“ PROF.s
In eigener Sache:Eine Wissenschaft für sichMINT Recruiting

Targeted & quality-oriented, our commitment to you!

In order to provide you with the best possible support in your search for suitable candidates for your vacancies, we make a very precise pre-selection! We also pay attention to decisive parameters beyond the technical qualification and are at your side in the selection process with passion. Our customers appreciate our commitment to their [...]

Accuracy of fit & high quality, what sets us apart!

Quality is what drives our actions and thinking! Through an intensive exchange of information, direct communication and detailed documentation of your specific requirements and your working environment, we understand your expectations and create a goal-oriented cooperation. The decisive success factor is the attentive and personal process support, through which we can introduce you to [...]

Personal suitability of high relevance

We make a specified and thorough selection of suitable candidates for your vacancies. Through our multi-stage selection process, we not only ensure that the technical qualifications and expectations of our candidates ideally match your requirements, but also that they are a good personal fit for your team. You always make a very good pre-selection. [...]

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