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Convincing candidate profiles with professional suitability

We know how important it is to have the best possible match between the candidate and the position so that the requirements of both sides can be met to the fullest. In order to provide you with the best possible support in your search for suitable candidates for your vacancies, we make a very [...]

Expanding our academic network

With the internet we can reach many people. But not all. Especially not those, who are not yet or not at all searching. That is why we cherish and nurture every contact and present ourselves on campus. We are constantly expanding our university and institute network. We are in regular contact with relevant faculties [...]

Our participation at the DESY-DOIT job seminar

On October 5th, we had the opportunity and the honor of presenting our company at the DESY research center as part of the DOIT job seminar. DOIT is a volunteer team of Doctoral Researchers (DRs), that represents the interests of the DRs at the Bahrenfeld campus and the Faculty of Physics at the University [...]

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